November 4, 2023

Good morning. Every Saturday, we publish the results of polls from feature stories that were published the past week. We also give a brief overview of the topics that were discussed.

🗳️ POLL RESULTS – Week 149
*Only subscribers can participate in polls.


Is it fair to use bureaucrats and army personnel to promote government schemes?

Daily | 30 October 2023

In a fresh circular issued by the Government of India, the Centre plans to use its top bureaucrats and serving army personnel as agents to celebrate the government’s achievements in the past nine years. However, the usage of state machinery for political gains and its aftermath have a painful and dark past in Indian history going back to 1975. So, is the opposition right in claiming that the government is violating the principle of separation between political government and official machinery or does the government’s intention of ensuring maximum public good hold water? Read more on this here.

Is the WHO right in calling for a nutrient-based tax model?

Daily | 31 October 2023

A recent report by the World Health Organisation (WHO) in partnership with the Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations (ICRIER) showed the growth of the processed foods segment in India. It stated that sales of ultra-processed foods have increased over the past decade. To combat this, the report suggested a tax system based on nutritional content. While this is seen to keep Indians healthy, others think it would affect traditional Indian fare. We discuss it here.

Does helicopter parenting work?

Daily | 1 November 2023

If there’s one parenting style that has sparked debate and discussion, it’s helicopter parenting. To put it simply, if you’re the kid, you’ve got your parents looking over your shoulder at every opportunity. You’re being monitored and are showered with excessive levels of support. While this style has its proponents, are there long-term harms? We unpack this here.

Is the Qatar death sentence for eight Indians a failure of Indian diplomacy?

Daily | 3 November 2023

Qatar has long been a bastion of Islamic fundamentalism in the Middle East. Despite ideological differences, the trade and strategic ties between our two countries had been flourishing with India even providing humanitarian aid to the once boycotted nation. In spite of such relations, a mass death sentence for India’s ex-defence personnel in a foreign land does not read well for a nation projecting itself as the Vishwaguru. Find the debate here.