July 27, 2024

Good morning. Every Saturday, we publish the results of polls from feature stories that were published the past week. We also give a brief overview of the topics that were discussed.

🗳️ POLL RESULTS – Week 185
*Only subscribers can participate in polls.


Has the Doval Doctrine worked for India?

Daily | 22 July 2024

Ever since Ajit Doval assumed the role of India’s National Security Advisor (NSA), the country’s image has changed from one afraid to act on the international stage to a ‘hard state’. But India and the world’s national security challenges have become more complicated. India’s stance, under Doval, has been more “defensive offence.” Has Doval’s blueprint worked out well, given aggression from Pakistan on one side and China on the other? Read more on this here.

Can the AIADMK make a comeback?

Daily | 23 July 2024

In the recent Lok Sabha elections, the DMK cruised to victory. The AIADMK have all but been wiped out. The once mighty party with former Chief Minister Jayalalithaa as its figurehead has fallen. The party has been in disarray with warring factions. Can they rise from the ashes? We discuss it here.

Can India replicate the Seine River model for the Ganga and Yamuna?

Daily | 24 July 2024

India has its own clean-up-the-rivers conundrum concerning the Ganga and Yamuna. These historic rivers have been polluted for quite some time, and plenty of time and money have been spent trying to clean them up. What did Paris do for the Seine River, and can India follow their example? We unpack this here.

Should agricultural income be taxed?

Daily | 25 July 2024

For a long time, taxing agricultural income was something economists and others lobbied for. They said it was necessary given the reliance of the country’s economy on agriculture. While things have evolved over the years, some still see a case for it. However, there’s a lot of apprehension about whether taxing agricultural income will harm the sector. Find the debate here.

Has the 2024 Budget delivered for the middle class?

Daily | 26 July 2024

The government knows it has to create jobs, keep inflation in check, and provide adequate resources to several sectors. To some, it’s a middle-class budget catered toward them. For others, there’s not much here for the Indian middle class. Which is it? More on this story here.