October 7, 2022
Good morning. In today’s either/view, we discuss whether India should introduce population control measures. We also look at the discovery of a new fish species in Nagaland, among other news.
Should India introduce population control measures?

According to Paul Ehrlich, an American biologist known for his work on population growth, overpopulation is a situation where a population is in the process of depleting non-renewable resources. To many, India has been in this situation for decades, where the deteriorating population balance has had dire consequences on the overall progress and development of the nation. As early as 2024, India will surpass China as the world’s most populous nation, according to recent studies.
With 25% of the population living on less than $2 a day, many fear the growing population will only worsen poverty. Structural issues like resource depletion, inequitable income distribution, and pressure on limited infrastructure have worsened due to overpopulation. In such a scenario, should India legislate population control measures?
The grave issue of overpopulation is one that is constantly addressed by various political parties, and individuals in positions of power. In addition to family planning services, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare is responsible for population control. Through advertising and education, the main strategy remains to persuade people to accept the small family norm on an individual basis. Since 1952, India has incorporated family planning in its 5-year plan, spending almost $100 million dollars on family planning initiatives. Various population control bills have been introduced at different time periods in India, the most notable and controversial being Sanjay Gandhi’s policy during the emergency of 1976 that led to the sterilisation of 6.2 million men.
On Independence Day in 2019, Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his speech addressed the urgent need for population control, saying, “Those who follow the policy of small families also contribute to the development of the nation, it is also a form of patriotism.” By equating controlling the population with patriotism, the government has made clear its opinion on population control. Recently, Mohan Bhagwat, the head of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), has flagged the need for a comprehensive population control policy that applies to all equally and added it was in the national interest to keep an eye on population imbalance. He also said when efforts are being made to divide society, we have to stay together, alluding to Hindu-Muslim unity.
India is currently pushing for two population control measures. The population bill and the constitution amendment bill 2020. The population bill aims to adopt the two-child norm through incentivization like educational benefits, free healthcare, and better employment opportunities. States like Telangana have adopted the two-child norm that determines the eligibility to be elected in certain panchayats. State-wise population control is present throughout the country, however, is it really necessary?
VIEW: There are merits to population control
The relationship between high fertility rates and poverty is clear, even though rapid population growth does not necessarily cause it. In developing countries with high fertility rates, life expectancy and per capita income (two important indicators of well-being) typically remain low. Looking at examples like Sweden where the population has been staggered for various years, there is also a remarkably robust healthcare and infrastructure system.
The issue of overpopulation is one that personally affects our country to a great extent. India is supposed to be the most populous country in the world soon, which will ultimately stress its natural resources. A high population proves to be a disequalizer in a country that is already systemically unequal. Gyan Chand, in The Problem of Population, wrote: “… we have to reduce the birth rate in India if we are to succeed in solving the problem of want and misery.” Looking at the Malthusian principle of population growth that is followed worldwide, population growth is always exponential while the growth of resources is linear.
COUNTERVIEW: There is no need for population control measures
Implementing a population control policy in our country, given its system of government and rich diversity, is not adequately suited for a policy that not only coerces but infringes on basic rights. The most famous example in our country of failed population control is Sanjay Gandhi’s forced sterilisations during the 1975 emergency where civil liberties were suspended. An astonishing 6.2 million Indian men were sterilized in just a year, which was “15 times the number of people sterilized by the Nazis”, according to science journalist Mara Hvistendahl. There were reports of gruesome sterilisation camps and botched tubectomies on more than 800 women, affecting the healthcare and conditions of various individuals.
Furthermore, in a country with great religious diversity, beliefs and values regarding birth differ. Keeping these differing sentiments in mind is key when implementing a national population policy. One such belief is the preference of the boy child. Implementing population control policies in a country with a strong stigma towards females may lead to forced sterilisation of the girl-child. Male preference in India will lead to a skewed sex ratio and add to the existing gender inequalities present, limiting the opportunities that women have in various ways. Sex-selective abortions and selective female abortion is both a consequence and result of the patriarchal tendencies entrenched in our country.
Apart from these factors, India had a fertility rate of 2.2 births per woman in 2020. The overall replacement level is 2.1. As India is almost at the replacement level, rather than reducing population, it has to work on sustaining the existing population growth at present. Furthermore, fertility measures have decreased with the improvement of socio-economic factors like literacy, modernization, and various other socio-economic factors. Nineteen states have below-replacement level fertility rates, indicating progress for population levels. Several experts argue that the motives behind population control are centred around pushing a religious bias that is already present in our country, and there should be sustained attempts to increase development towards socioeconomic factors.
Reference Links:
- India’s Dark History of Sterilisation – BBC News
- An Indian Two-Child Policy: Coercive or Necessary? – Statecraft
- Population Growth: A Humanitarian Crisis That Needs Our Attention – Population Media Center
- India does not need population law – Anadolu Agency
- The Problem of Population – Gyan Chand
- The Population Bomb – Paul R Ehrlich
What’s your opinion on this?
(Only subscribers can participate in polls)
a) India needs to introduce population control measures.
b) India should not introduce population control measures.
For the Right:
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For the Left:
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