March 1, 2023
Good morning. In today’s either/view, we discuss whether social media platforms should be held liable for the content posted by their users. We also look at the proposed forest bathing activity in Telangana, among other news.
Should social media platforms be liable for the content they carry?

Last week, the Supreme Court (SC) of the United States heard two cases about the role of Google, Youtube, Twitter and other interactive platforms in aiding and abetting terrorist activity. The court’s decision could make or break how we experience the internet today. And it all comes down to Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. Some argue that the law gives tech platforms a dangerous get-out-of-jail-free card, while others contend it protects free speech. So, which is it?
In a way, the internet’s principle of democratising voices proves a double-edged sword. In the same breath that it helped galvanise support for Hong Kong’s Umbrella movement, it also catalysed the Capitol Hill riots. With that said, it’s time we opened the black box that is social media.
With scores of platforms hosting at least 100 million users and tons of content, you would imagine the internet a disorganised space. But it’s not because social media platforms today have algorithms that help you access the content you want to see and stuff that keeps you hooked. It’s how we can access unlimited dog videos, hear obscure indie artists go viral, and attract an interested audience for our businesses.
This algorithm is the bone of contention in the recent SC hearings. In Gonzalez v. Google, a 2015 Paris terrorist attack victim’s family sued Google, alleging that YouTube must be liable for recommending ISIS recruitment videos to potential supporters. In Twitter v. Taamneh, the court heard a similar case against Twitter’s role in a 2017 terrorist attack in Turkey.
The crux of the petitioners’ arguments is that social media algorithms allow terrorist organisations to push their content toward a certain public vulnerable to radicalisation. The petitioners suggest that the content promoted on these platforms, based on would-be terrorists’ preferences, turns the latter to the dark side. What concerns some is that the court’s ruling could change Section 230 and, possibly, people’s relationship with the internet.
Section 230 was written in 1996, a time of technological optimism and Spice Girls’ supremacy. In 1995, when an investment firm sued Prodigy, a platform that sometimes moderated its content, for allowing a user to comment on the former’s president, the court ruled in the investment firm’s favour. But the move disincentivised companies from moderating any type of content, thus making the internet a cesspool of hate.
So we have the current iteration of the law that shields social media platforms and tech companies from being liable for third-party content posted on their platform. Now companies are free to moderate as they see fit and per the country’s norms.
A similar debate about social media and tech companies’ liability – although with different stakes – has been brewing in India, too, ever since MeiTY released the draft amendment to IT Rules 2021. Besides empowering the Press Information Bureau to censor content and handing the government a carte blanche over the news, the amendment also holds companies liable for content published on their platforms.
In the US, President Biden’s administration supports reforming Section 230, considering the changed scope of harm that social media algorithms can cause. First Amendment advocacy groups, however, argue that any change could be an affront to the First Amendment.
VIEW: Legal liability is the need of the hour
A lot has changed since 1996, and interactive media companies must keep up with the times. Petitioners argue that social media algorithms that push content do not fall under the act of publishing that Section 230 protects. When such platforms make recommendations, they are not just allowing content to exist but curating and promoting it. This warrants Google and Youtube to be held responsible in cases where the content is malicious and incites extremism. According to the Biden administration, recommendatory nudges like an auto-loaded sidebar are Youtube’s platform-design choices, for which Google must be legally responsible.
The two recent cases highlight the pressing need to formulate comprehensive legislation around accountability. In the past, similar charges were made against Meta for failing to reduce the spread of political polarisation and incitement of violence during the Capital Hill riots. Thanks to some whistleblowers, we now know that Big Tech has the resources and capacity to mitigate potentially destructive content.
Section 230, as it currently stands, is too broad, and it awards companies a free pass to ignore harmful content. Without legal liability, companies find it easy to turn a blind eye to the stuff they publish and promote. According to civil rights groups, the peddling of hate through social media algorithms threatens vulnerable communities in the US.
COUNTERVIEW: Increased liability can be disastrous
Tech platforms primarily argue that holding Youtube and Twitter legally liable in the present cases would leave the internet in a disastrous mess. If companies are held legally accountable for the content they push, it could cause unprecedented censorship and weeding out of anything even remotely objectionable to the law. Contrarily, legal liability could undo the recent efforts to restrict harmful content by disincentivising companies from monitoring anything on their platforms.
Rejigging the social media algorithms and user-generated content that form the backbone of modern online services will have disastrous consequences for a host of companies. The algorithm that allows companies to push preferential content makes it possible for billions of people to access information on search engines like Google without experiencing an information overload. Besides, liability would bring non-profits like Wikipedia to their knees.
Sceptics, like the ACLU and Knight Foundation, argue that content restrictions, as articulated in the Twitter case, will curtail free speech. Powerful and elite segments will have louder voices on the internet, while marginalised or subaltern voices will be pushed further into the corner.
Reference Links:
- Should YouTube, Twitter Be More Responsible For Dangerous Content? Supreme Court Considers Tech Critics – Forbes
- Should tech platforms be liable for the content they carry? – The Economist
- Gonzalez v. Google – CATO Institute
- Section 230, the internet law that’s under threat, explained – Vox
- How the Centre’s planned IT rule changes will empower it to censor unfavourable news – Scroll
What is your opinion on this?
(Only subscribers can participate in polls)
a) Social media companies should be liable for the content they carry.
b) Social media companies should not be liable for the content they carry.
For the Right:
BJP’s sentinels aggressively defend image of leadership
For the Left:
Savarkar Was Truly ‘Veer’ and a Great Patriot
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