November 18, 2023

Good morning. Every Saturday, we publish the results of polls from feature stories that were published the past week. We also give a brief overview of the topics that were discussed.

🗳️ POLL RESULTS – Week 151
*Only subscribers can participate in polls.


Can global governments succeed in regulating AI?

Daily | 15 November 2023

US President Joe Biden signed an Executive Order to deal with AI using war-time rules as October ended and the UK just concluded its AI Summit as November rolled in. With the EU finalizing its AI Act and China and India making their own developments, there is evident global concern. But can something as static as government machinery control something as dynamic as Artificial Intelligence? Read more on this here.

Is a move towards e-FIRs a good idea?

Daily | 16 November 2023

As India is moving towards reforming its criminal system, a digital push which might simplify reporting crimes is a welcome move. However, as many of India’s police stations continue to function without even a landline connection, let alone internet-connected computers, the efficacy of such a move is questionable. e-FIRs also bring with them the issue of ‘Harassment FIRs’ filed by people to harass others without due cause. We discuss it here.

Should AI be used in Indian classrooms?

Daily | 17 November 2023

If education is the backbone of a thriving economy, then how much technology should we let in? What are the use cases? There are plenty of uncomfortable questions, and we might not know all the answers right now. But the topic does need to be discussed and debated. What’s the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in classrooms? Perhaps it takes a load off the educator’s and student’s backs. Or, it’s a slippery slope. We unpack this here.