September 30, 2023

Good morning. Every Saturday, we publish the results of polls from feature stories that were published the past week. We also give a brief overview of the topics that were discussed.

🗳️ POLL RESULTS – Week 144
*Only subscribers can participate in polls.


Is the Women’s Reservation Bill’s scope wide enough?

Daily | 25 September 2023

India has taken a significant step in women’s representation in policy-making at the state and national levels. The Women’s Reservation Bill was passed by the Lok Sabha with near unanimity. It paved the way for the constitution to be amended to allow a one-third reservation for women in the Lok Sabha and state assemblies. While this is certainly a big step, the question needs to be asked – is this legislation all-encompassing? Read more on this here.

Can cricket be an Olympic sport?

Daily | 26 September 2023

While we see football, basketball, and tennis, among others, grace the Olympics, where’s cricket? The popular game that often involves a lot of money in media, sponsorships, advertising, etc., has been absent from the global sporting event. Would cricket be a good fit for the Olympic games? We discuss it here.

Can Indians saving less actually benefit the economy?

Daily | 27 September 2023

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) monthly bulletin released last week has shown some of the lowest numbers since independence for several benchmarks including savings rate and household liabilities. But is it possible that Indians saving less and spending more can actually benefit the Indian economy? We unpack this here.

Has the Har Ghar Jal Mission ensured water security for Indians?

Daily | 28 September 2023

The ‘mission’ is to provide crores of rural Indian households with tap water connections in record time. It’s part of the government’s overall Jal Jeevan Mission to ensure clean water for all Indians. Given the initiative’s scale and ambitions, has it been successful? Find the debate here.

Is the Khalistan movement still relevant?

Daily | 29 September 2023

The Sikh separatist movement has been a long-standing source of tensions between the two countries. It has a storied and violent past in India and Canada, with activists seeking a separate independent Sikh nation. With the recent events, has the movement all but fizzled out, or is there reason to believe in a future resurgence? More on this story here.